Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Humble beginnings

Why on earth would anyone want to sweat it out? One easy answer:

You feel so good

I've talked to many people about this, and everyone I know who's ever been in good shape agrees. You just feel good when your body and mind are in sync. Maybe you decided to take the stairs instead of the elevator and you get to the top and you're not out of breath. Or you're crossing the street and hear a car coming and enjoy the fluid ease of your body shifting into high gear - not because you have to, but because you want to. Whatever it is, you know it when you feel it.

I used to have that feeling, but three years of full time work and part time graduate school have taken their toll, in the form of ~30 additional pounds. Granted, I'm over 6' tall, so #235 instead of #205 isn't as bad as it sounds. But even if it doesn't look bad, knowing how I could be feeling, it feels horrible. This is only compounded by the last time I went to donate blood and couldn't because my blood pressure was borderline high (130/90).

School's wrapping up, so it's time to crank it up before it's too late.

  • Weight below 210
  • Body fat below 15% (according to my home scale)
  • Blood pressure to below 120/80
  • Resting heart rate below 60
Who knows how long it will take, but I'll get there eventually. Wanna watch?

Next up: the "How":


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